So you want to try WWII reenacting?
We are excited that you are showing an interest in World War II Reenacting. KG Franzky is always looking for new recruits and fellow history lovers. The hobby is a great opportunity to combine the study of WW2 history with the chance to get away from your normal surrounding and enjoy the natural world. You will also enjoy a newfound sense of camaraderie through our experiences in the field. Join us if you share our passion for history and motivation for authenticity!
We are largely an East Coast based reenacting group, but we have members in bordering states and Canada as well. We attend events year-round (many invite-only), stretching from Pennsylvania down to North Carolina. Our primary impression is LSSAH, but we have portrayed other Waffen SS Divisions as well (12th SS, Estonian SS, 16th SS). If you are even just considering entering the hobby, join us for an event. We can loan you what you need to get started. We know will be you hooked.
Due to liability issues, you must be at least 18 years old to join full time. We do have limited non-combat roles that younger members can perform, but you must be at least 17 years old to do so.
For more information on joining the KG or general re-enacting questions, e-mail us at:
[email protected]
KG Franzky Regulations and Authenticity Standards
Contacts or period eyeglasses must be obtained by the recruits as soon as possible. No jewelry other than wedding bands or period style rings may be worn. If you wish to wear a watch, you must obtain a period looking pocket watch or wrist watch.
Hair must be above the collar and cannot touch the ears. No sideburns, mustaches, or beards. At immersion events, a few days worth of scruff is acceptable. These guidelines will be detailed in our individual authenticity regulations for each event where we go over uniform, kit, and appearance details depending on the gruppe we are representing.
Age Requirement:
Unit members must be at least 18 years old for combat re-enacting. If you are under 18 years old, there are non-combat roles that you may re-enact, such as radio operators or medics.
If you feel strongly about your impression, learning German is the best way to add depth to it. Speaking in German adds to the mood of any field event for both sides.
Physical Fitness:
Reenacting German soldiers in the field is physically demanding. You will be expected to fully participate in any tacticals that you attend. This includes being able to sprint 20-30 feet, hike difficult terrain, and climb in and out of vehicles quickly without collapsing or passing out. We expect members to strive to look the part and stay in good physical shape.
We seek to portray an elite, historical military organization, as accurately as possible. It is up to each unit member to maintain a high level of authenticity and motivation to contribute to this goal. Members are expected to continually seek new ways to refine their impression and follow orders given by superiors in the field. This may include unpleasant tasks such as filling water canisters, gathering firewood, or digging foxholes (Wolfgrabhügel). We expect each member to work together as part of a cohesive team. Unit issues will be dealt with as a group.
Unit members are expected to carry period identification on that at all times during events. At a minimum this includes Erkennungsmarken (dog tags) and Soldbücher (paybooks).
Rank and Decorations:
Promotions within this unit are based on merit and participation. You will advance in rank and responsibility according to your attendance of events, knowledge of Waffen SS aspects, willingness to contribute time and resources to the unit and your ability to competently lead and instruct men. Rank vacancy is another factor. A unit of NCOs would be irrational.
Awards are not only issued for participation and unit contribution, but also for merit in combat as determined by the unit commanders or overall German commander of an event.
Uniforms and Field Equipment:
Make no mistake this hobby is expensive, but you are certainly not expected to purchase your entire kit at once. Loaner equipment is available; however you will be expected to make continued progress in purchasing the details of your impression. A note of advice: try not to go the cheap route. You will just find yourself replacing those items at a later point. Save yourself time and money by buying accurate uniforms and field gear the first time. We can guide you in your purchases and loan you a lot of what you will need. When you start out, first ask for advice and concentrate on items that are hard to share because of sizing (uniforms, boots, etc.).
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